What to do in Coimbra

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Today we will talk about another beautiful city, where is located one of our Schools: Coimbra.

The city

It is located close to the beach and the mountains, Coimbra is the biggest city of the center of Portugal.
With about 100,000 habitants, the city has a long history and a high cultural importance. Therefore is one of the most important cities in Portugal.

In the 12th century, known as “Aeminium” in Roman times, it was the first capital of Portugal and her university is one of the most important and the oldest of Europe, with more than 700 years. The University is very important for the cultural, social and economic live of Coimbra.

Because of this, the city has a very rich history reflected in many buildings and monuments.

What to do and where to go

All over the city, you will discover landmarks left by those who built the city and the nation.

The University

The University of Coimbra was founded in the year 1290 by the King Dom Dinis, so it is one of the oldest in all Europe. It has thousands of students enrolled regularly, also coming from other countries. Later transferred to Lisbon, it returned again in 1537 to Coimbra, at the desire of King Dom João III.

Currently, the University of Coimbra forms thousands of students in several Faculties and Specialties, such as Letters, Law, Medicine, Economics, Psychology, Educational Sciences, etc.

The Joanine Library

One of the most famous monuments in the city is the old library of the University of Coimbra – the Joanine Library – built in 1716. It is an excellent example of Baroque architecture both inside and outside. In the library you can still find about 300,000 books and manuscripts dated as before 1800.

A Sé velha – the Old Cathedral

The Old Cathedral is one of the landmarks of the most important Romanesque style in Portugal. The construction of the current building began in 1146. It happened after D. Afonso Henriques declared himself king of Portugal and chose Coimbra as the capital of the Kingdom.

Quinta da Lágrimas

This is one of the most romantic places in Portugal. It was at Quinta das Lágrimas that D. Pedro met in secret with Inês de Castro, a  forbidden romance with a  tragic end. The extensive gardens of the property promote an atmosphere of mystery. Visit also the Fonte dos Amores and the Fonte das Lágrimas, where Inês  had been murdered.

Portugal dos Pequenitos

It is a thematic park that aims to make Portugal known to the little ones. Portugal dos Pequenitos exists since 1940 and it is a space for discovery, learning and entertainment, through several Portuguese constructions. The miniature houses show the architecture of different parts of the country and Portuguese-speaking locations such as Macau and Brazil.

There is so much more to visit in Coimbra that is difficult to refer all of them here. A walk in the down town of the city is mandatory. There, you will find the Praça do Comércio (Commerce Square), one of the most beautiful squares in the city. Here you will find two churches, the São Bartolomeu Church and the São Tiago church from the 12th century.

Caravela School in Coimbra

The Caravela School is really close from the down town. You just need to cross the Famous Santa-Clara bridge and in the other side of the Mondego River, you can find the historical center (down town). There, you can walk through these narrow streets full of life, where you will find many shops and typical restaurants. Squares, churches and great pastries also to visit, in this beautiful and old Coimbra.

University parties

The Festa das Latas (the Can´s party) or “Latada” is the first academic party for new students at the University of Coimbra. The Latada won this designation because metallic objects are used to produce noise and occurs every year in October. This party is organized to receive and integrate the new students into the academic life. During almost a week, the streets of the city are full of students and many musical events are organized.

Another very important event is the Queima das Fitas. Queima das Fitas is the party of finalist students at the University of Coimbra and takes place every year in May. The party begins with a ritual in which colored ribbons are burned (eight different colors corresponding to the eight faculties of the university). The party lasts all week with a lot of musical events and ends with a procession, ceremonies, students parade, among others. A Queima das Fitas is a celebration for the students who just finished their course and it’s a way to say goodbye to the student life.

Coimbra’s Fado

Typical from Coimbra, it is usually linked to the academic traditions of the University. This type of Fado is exclusively sung by men (students) and all musicians must perform in academic costume. It is performed with the traditional Guitarra de Coimbra.

The Fado is sung mostly at night in the streets of the city and in all students events. If you visit Coimbra, you must watch the typical serenade addressed to the beloved. Also, you can watch the performance of the groups singing the love for the city, the society and the student life.


Conímbriga has also very interesting surroundings.  One of them is the Conímbriga Roman Site, located 16 kilometres far from Coimbra.

It is also interesting to visit, especially in the summer, Figueira da Foz, a beautiful beach city very visited by Portuguese people and tourists.

The Montemor-o-Velho Castle is located just 25 kilometres far from Coimbra, in the highest point of a mountain and is also a mandatory spot to visit. Also, don’t leave without visiting the village of Piódão, and the Mata Nacional de Buçaco (National Forest).


Here was one more city where you can find many interesting places to go and activities to do, including, of course, to learn Portuguese. Besides Coimbra, you’ll can also find us in others interesting cities of Portugal.

Finally, as always and nowadays even more, you can find us online. So, while you cannot visit us, we can be with us thanks to our online options: standard courses, courses in a mini-groups and conversation clubs.

See you!

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