About Us



Academic Director

Content production

Event organization





Soc. network management

Website building and Technology consulting


Our courses are organized in order to students learn in an organized and gradual way. The student develops all skills in a balanced way: comprehension, expression, communication and grammar. Classes are based on communication, developing listening skills and simplifying grammar. Everything is contextualized and adapted to the needs of each level and the student is prepared to understand the native speech. Grammar is learned in practical contexts and it is also pragmatic, without excessive or unnecessary content.

Thus, we apply the most advanced methods of language teaching and we are always attentive to feedback from our students. We also try to be original, doing what we believe is more interesting, effective and useful for students. To this, we add a team of specialized teachers working full time in this area, constantly improving themselves.

The city

What better place to learn Portuguese than the city known as “City of students”? In this city, where six Portuguese kings were born, it is located the first Portuguese university. In addition to its rich history, it is a city full of life and good cuisine.

If you want to know the history, visit the University, the Joanina library, the Old Cathedral, the Monastery of Santa Clara and Conímbriga. Regardless of your age, visit Portugal dos Pequenitos and participate in university parties. Among the great offer of events (fairs, exhibitions, shows, festivals, etc.), don’t forget to listen to Coimbra’s Fado. When the weather is nice, go to the park or the Mondego river to participate in the various outdoor activities.

After your Portuguese class, be rewarded with a typical sweet from the city. We recommend the queijadas, the Pastéis de Santa Clara or the traditional Arroz doce (sweet rice). But if your appetite is bigger and you want a meat dish, try the chanfana.

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