The qualities of a good teacher of Portuguese

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Half of your success in learning Portuguese is your dedication and motivation. The other half is the responsibility of the schoolman. He supports, gives direction in learning and does not allow the student’s motivation to disappear. What should you pay attention to already in the first lesson? You will find out in this article.


A good teacher can’t promise a student a quick result. At a minimum, he must first understand how the person works in the classroom, what takes time. Different grammar topics and skills can be taught to the pupil in different ways. Moreover, the amount of information increases, and the head is not rubber to contain everything. Plus, there is no magic method that will shorten the path from A1 to C1.

Learning Portuguese is a job for both: pupil and teacher. Therefore, the second one cannot guarantee that the first one will pass the final exam by 100 points out of 100 possible.


The teacher of Portuguese cannot demand too much from the learner. The amount of information of the lessons is large. And a man is not a computer to instantly memorize all new vocabulary and wield the rules of grammar without mistakes.

Also, when checking homework, the teacher should focus only on those pupil’s mistakes that he made through inattention. Errors in grammar on unexplored topics should not be counted.

In turn, the he must explain the topics in an accessible language, using the grammar and vocabulary that the student understands. That is, do not use complex structures and do not expect him to understand them intuitively.


A professional never interrupts a student. The learner should speak most of the time during the lesson. The teacher can only give a direction for the development of the thoughts. Therefore, he should not discuss with the pupil as if it is a conversation with friends, and not teaching.

A man who interrupts a learner’s speech complicates the learning process. The learner’s speech during the lessons is his main training. Nobody can deprive the person of this opportunity to train.

It is obvious that the teacher is also a person and important events take place in his life. When he shares them with a pupil in Portuguese, a learner can practice listening. However, this should not be excessive. A pedagogue who constantly talks only about himself is not a professional.


A good teacher should forget this word. Because it is criticism that deprives the person of motivation and raises the” language barrier”. By criticizing, he can create a negative connection between the Portuguese language and the student’s bad emotions.

The learner’s fear of making mistakes can ruin the learning process. A good teacher should correct mistakes gently, avoiding annoyance and harshness. The pupil should feel that it is okay to make mistakes while learning Portuguese.


A good language pedagogue must be patient. He cannot be annoyed if a student asks the same thing every lesson. He should answer and explain the same topics as many times as the pupil asks for.

It is the professional’s responsibility to explain what the individual cannot understand in Portuguese himself. He can only choose different ways of explanation.


A good teacher should be liked by the learner. It is quite difficult to learn with someone who is unpleasant for a pupil as a person. Of course, a pedagogue cannot be a close friend to everybody in a class. However, keeping a great distance and assessing only the correctness of the Portuguese language, without empathy, can do only a non-professional.

A warm, respectful attitude is one of the reasons for the student’s progress in learning. Because after the lesson, he should feel a surge of strength for new exploits in learning Portuguese, and not feel morally devastated.

Love for the profession

A good Portuguese teacher knows why he works with people and truly likes his profession. He is not late for classes, does not grumble, does not run away immediately after the end of the lesson, referring to personal problems.

A good employee of this profession prepares for the lesson in advance. He can have lessons for students of different levels of Portuguese language proficiency. However, he cannot waste time and leaf through the material right in the lesson, remembering today’s topic.

All material should be prepared in advance – printed and folded in order. The folder with audio files for the lesson must be open on the computer. All this is done by a person when he truly loves his profession.


A good teacher forgets about the world outside the classroom. He is not distracted by his mobile phone, does not answer letters on the computer. He also does not leave class to make a call or greet a colleague.

He gives all the attention on the lesson to the learners. In addition to correcting mistakes, the professional should be involved in the story or discussion. If he does not respond, the student cannot understand whether the meaning of what was said has reached a native Portuguese speaker. But it is the most important thing!

Also, the teacher cannot check essays right on the lesson. Only if the texts in Portuguese that are written by the pupils are short. So everybody in a group can understand the most common mistakes and doesn’t repeat it by himself.


These are just some of the qualities of a Portuguese teacher that can be appreciated from the first lessons. It is easy to trust a Portuguese one who promises incredible success. However, you can check yourself the veracity of his words by evaluating the points that we described in this article. If you gave a teacher a “plus” on all points, then you are in the right hands!

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