The teaching method of Portuguese as a Foreign Language by Caravela School – part 2

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In this second part (read the first here) we will talk about how we overcome the limitations of the previous methodology. We will talk about the different principles and fundamentals that led us to this way of teaching.

Student learns so much faster, the more they take advantage of the lessons

This principle sounds banal, but it is often ignored. Imagine 90 minutes of class, where 30 minutes are listening to the teacher, 30 minutes reading and writing, and 30 minutes doing grammar exercises. Here  they will probably not benefit from the class at all. This may seem a little shocking. However, let’s think: how many of these activities they could be able to do outside of the classroom and at their own pace?

If a student has already understood a new grammar topic, then they will not need a teacher to practice through the exercise. If the text is adapted to his level, then the teacher will not be determinative for its understanding. Writing doesn’t make sense if it’s with the teacher’s help; its role is just to correct some errors. Even much of the information that teacher gives can be transmitted in advance.

That said, how to take advantage of a class?

How to take advantage of a class

It is taken advantage of the class when:

– Instead of listening to long explanations and processing them, he asks for explanations, clears doubts and discusses;

– Is prepared for communicative activities and, thus, manages to dive into communication as much as possible;

– Learn step by step in context;

– Everyone, in addition to being at the same level, is in identical conditions to react with equal speed;

– Situations that cause stress are planned in advance and removed;

– Oral interaction and debate, through topics of common interest, are promoted;

– The key concepts that will allow understanding native speakers are conveyed, as this usually is the most difficult;

– When the class goes by quickly and no one is tired: this shows organization, fluidity and even some fun.

Teacher’s role

That said, the question arises: What is his true role?

Most people will say that he has a role: to teach.

However, teaching is the component that should take up less time. His main use should be to clarify, guide and prepare for real communicative situations.

And he also must also prepare himself for the class and do the homework. He should have a detailed program of what to do, how, what resources to use and how much time to devote to each activity. Also monitor auditory reaction to different topics and activities. This way he can make the necessary adjustments, create and provide good resources so that students can easily prepare for classes.

Hence, in order to achieve quality teaching, it is very important that in each school there is at least one professional dealing with pre- and post-class preparation. Also, should have someone to prepare class plans, and prepare and select teaching resources. This is because it is extremely difficult to give classes and deal with these processes without this affecting his performance. In addition, the school must provide a detailed lesson plan so that teachers are in tune with the method and quality criteria. Although, should be always given some space for the individual talent, experience, character and creativity.

Preparation, practice and consolidation

Usually the study consists of two parts: class and homework. The lesson is especially important as it is where is gotten new information. In a step-by-step learning, where the acquired knowledge is the basis for the acquisition of new knowledge, missing classes can compromise the entire course. Thus, homework, which serves to reinforce what was learnt, can also reinforce what wasn’t learnt. In addition, some students may not feel much motivation to make the homework. Maybe they don’t want to spend a lot of time on something they’ve already learned. However, we believe that this work is crucial for the assimilation of knowledge.

Nevertheless, except for level A1 where everything is new for students, it should not focus so much on repetition of what was taught in class. Oppositely, it should focus  more on diversified exercises, especially those focused on listening.

That said, the focus should be on class preparation. This allows not to miss out crucial information in a step-by-step study, as well as getting much more out of the lessons. Unlike homework, which is usually a reinforcement, preparation is new terrain. Therefore, a person feels more motivated to do it, as he knows that this way the class will be easier and more interesting. Here the creativity and experience is crucial. Preparation cannot be boring work: it must be simple and interesting.

For this, we provide students with a script for the next class. This guide should include:

– The tasks to be done and how to do it

– The explanation of the new contents present in the tasks

The tasks must consist of different types of vocabulary, reading, listening and grammar exercises, within a specific theme. Explanations should be given in a simple and intuitive way, with as little text as possible. It should also not require more time than the class itself, otherwise the student may not have time to do it.


At this point, the reader will have already understood the bases of this teaching strategy. In the next article we will tell how this works in practice and how it increases learning efficiency.

However, there is a lot to do…

Today, we still have classrooms with 21st century technologies but 19th century teaching methodologies. Unfortunately, there has not been done a correct management of priorities. A society that teaches better will have the best professionals. This will only be possible with the development of teaching methodologies. It’s useless to have a luxury gym if the training method is primitive.

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